Purpose & Passion

In our past blogs we stated that to know our identity we first must go to the beginning of creation to know our Source, what the Source has to say about us, His plans for us and what and who He gave us to guide us in this life. Who am I refers to who are you, who did your Manufacturer created you to be. Ephesians 2:10 says I am God's workmanship, created in Christ to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. When God made us He gave us our own unique self. Each one of us has different DNA and no two persons are alike. When Jesus the Son of God was walking on earth, He had the Holy Spirit within in Him so He was able to function like God which includes God characteristics and attribute and saying thinking what God says and think. Jesus became our first example of how to identify who we are. Jesus said in John 5:19 'I tell you the truth the Son can do nothing by Himself, He can do only what He sees His Father doing. Also in John 14:10 says Jesus speaking, "The words I say to you are not just my own, rather it is the Father living in me, who is doing His work. With this said how can we think we can fully know who we are without God. Just as God was in Jesus and Jesus was in God, Jesus had the right to say... I Am the Way, I Am the Truth and the Life, I Am the Good Shepherd, I Am the Door, I Am Christ, Son of the Living God. What rights do you have?  Now you finish I AM.......

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