Purpose & Passion

I hoped you had completed your personal I AM's from the last post. God gave us through the Manual (The Word of God) what He sees us as. It is up to us to read , believe and function in those I Am affirmations. Still on our first question Who Am I?, Now I will tell you a story you could call it a testimony of me discovering the answer to this question. During the crisis AKA Covid 19, God took my friends and I on a journey, discovering the Kingdom message. it was during our Bible studies it was said how can we go back to an environment (church building) that does not teach the message that Jesus taught. I decided not to return to that same place of worship when things went back to normal. Apparently the pastor of this church was not too happy when he heard a few of his members decided not to come back. He chose to vent his frustration by calling me a witch and a jezebel on a prayer line. I was so hurt that I cried out to God, I question God why and I knew i was nothing of the sort. I cried and I cried. Finally when I stopped God spoke to me through these words in the form of a song (p.s I can't even hold a note but God works in mysterious ways). Here it goes... I AM a royal priesthood and a holy nation, I AM a child of God, a citizen of the Kingdom. God blew my mind with this one. These affirmations of who I am and who God saw me as, as helped to heal me. It is not what others say who you are but who God says you are that is important, but you have to choose to believe. The Holy Spirit is there to conform you into what God says. This testimony became my first t.shirt design....that is what testimonies do it gives God Ideas. I hope it will be a blessings to you as much it as been to me. Available on the website.


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