Purpose & Passion

What God thinks and says about you?... Well He created us no doubt about that but He loves us unconditionally, with a love that is patient, kind, merciful, forgiving, gracious, compassionate and the list goes on. There is a story that is found in Luke 15:11-32 you may read it on your own time but it is about a prodigal son. A father had 2 sons, one decided he wanted his inheritance, his independence. The father gave him what was his and the son left home. He went to a far country and met friends that helped him spend and squandered all his money. In the end he was broke, homeless and without friends. He decided to look for a job and got one feeding pigs. He was so hungry he craved the pigs food (yuck). Hallelujah he came to his senses (about time), he realized his father's home he had left had everything. So he decided to return home (smart move). His father saw him coming and ran to him and embraced him. The son admitted to the father he had sinned against heaven and him and he was no longer worthy to be called a son. But the father was compassionate and forgave him, he put the best robe on him, a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet. The father then said my son who was dead is now alive, lost but found. How happy this father must have been to see his returned home. This is exactly what it is to return home to God. We are all prodigal sons and daughters because of sin, we became separated. But God is waiting on us so He can say what He is saying of us. We are a Chosen People, Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people for God's own possession (1Peter 2:9), we are God's Masterpiece (workmanship) created in Christ Jesus to do good works (Ephesians 2:10). 1John 3:1 says God loves us so much He calls us His children. We are also Christ Ambassadors, God's Representative on earth for His Kingdom (2 Corinthians 5:20).But in order to take on those names we have to come to our senses like the prodigal son and return home. Are you home? We will break down the comparison of God's Kingdom to the Prodigal Son Story in my next blog. Just to remind you of who God says you are as He has told me, you may get your Identity Tshirt in both women and men on this website.  Thanks for your support.

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