Where am I from? is a question that people are confused about and are unable to answer. What I will do is allow the great Dr. Myles Munroe explain it to you, taken from his Daily Devotion book called Potential for Everyday. He says 'Every product you purchase includes a certain degree of guarantee based on a relationship with the one from whom you brought the product. Thus, if you want to buy a car, you will first research the integrity of the various car manufacturers and the quality of their cars, then you will look for an authorized dealer in your area who will explain and follow the manufacturers specifications
'Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His. We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.'(Psalm 100:3)
Everything that was and is was in God, before God created anything, there was only God. Thus, God had within Him the potential for everything He made. Nothing exists that was not first in God. You came forth from God because God planned that human beings should be spirit even as He is Spirit. Too many people never discover God's purpose for creating them. They look everywhere but to God for the meaning of their existence. God is your manufacturer. If you want to know your potential, you must go to Him. Knowing God is the foundational key upon which all the other keys rest. Thus, God is the Source of all potential. He is everything we haven't seen yet'.
No God, No Life -Get God, Get Life Tshirt is available on the website.
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