Now that we completed the five (5) basic keys of 'Why am I here?' ,this should give you an idea of your next step or next move in functioning in your purpose if you haven't done so as yet. God has a plan for each of our lives, He created the end and then went to the beginning for us to start (Isaiah 46:10). He knows the plans he has for us, great plans (Jeremiah 29:11) and He will see to it that He completes it (Philippians 1:6). He wants to lead us and guide us in the right path and Trust Him completely. He did not say it would be easy, He said we would have troubles (John 16:33) and sufferings (Romans 8:18-23) but He promise that He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5, Deuteronomy 31:6-8). We will have troubles and trials on our journey of purpose but He allows it so we may persevere, endure and shape us into character of His Son Jesus Christ (Romans 5:3-4). So I urge you today to TRUST GOD & CHILL OUT (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Trust God & Chill Out TShirt is available on the website.
I believe we have a 4 fold purpose:
1) Glorify God
2) Imitate Christ
3) Dominate Circumstances and
4) Maximize potential
Brilliantly and eloquently expressed
Words that can surely bring meaning and purpose to anyone who feels stuck or unaware of their purpose, keep writing.
Great read! God’s grace is indeed sufficient! Purpose driven is key.
We have to remind ourselves why we are here.
Thank you for the message! One of my favorite quotes is: if you pray don’t worry and if you worry don’t pray. It reminds me that if I give something to God then do not take it back – if we take it back through worry it is best not to bother. Your message spoke the same truth – Trust God and chill out! When we REALLY trust there is a peace that surpasses all understanding that comes over so there is no need to take it back by worrying about what we just gave to God. Thank you for the reminder to Trust God and Chill Out!
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