Hey lovely people, thank God for His many blessings and love He has towards us. I know many of you are happy to be in a new season....WHOOO the spring season. My favorite time of the year, not too hot and not too cold, just right. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says "For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven". God knew that we could not live in eternity has humans so He gave us seasons, also known as time, thank God for that. Imagine being sad forever or having a headache forever or going through a crisis forever....NOW we can say thank God for seasons. There are seasons of trials, problems and circumstances that we wish would just go away and disappear but the Bible tells us that we have to go through these seasons, Peter said it best " Friends do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that comes to test you, as something strange were happening to you"(emphasis added) 1Peter 4:12... I can only speak of my experiences and revelations but whether you are saved or not, everyone goes through a season of testing, trials and problems, you may be black, white, rich or poor... everyone got problems. My revelation is who you have that you can give them to. Does your mama wants your problems, does your friends wants your problem?....Heavens No, they themselves want someone to give their problems to. But I have someone, Christians have someone who is willing to take those problems and circumstances and solve them. He wants you to give it to Him during these trying seasons that have you overwhelm and worried, but you have to give it to Him, let it go out of your hands and place it in His. One of my favorites verse says "Cast (throw) all your cares (problems, troubles, worries) to God and he will sustain (strengthen and support) you. He will never let you fall", Psalms 55:22. All you got to do is Keep Calm and Pray to the one Who got everything under His control.
Keep Calm Tshirt is available in men and women @kingdom lifestyle collection.com
My God is awesome 🙏
There is a season for everything. No matter what season I’m facing I know that God is control of my control of my life. He never fail.
Be blessed
Be safe.
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