The Message Behind The Tee


Happy Friday my friends, wishing you God's richest blessings. Our discussion last week was about Godly Community, sometimes call inner circle or circles of influence..  and having friends is a part of God's plan for everyone for spiritual growth. Our relationship with God determines the kind of community we are in, and the relationship we have with our friends also determines the relationship we have with God. There is a saying in the Caribbean culture " Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are", WOW...someone can know you by the company you keep, 1 Corinthians 15:33 says "Bad company (community) corrupts good character". I am currently reading a good book by Priscilla Shirer called 'Discerning the Voice of God' and came upon a section she mentions one of her friend and she says "Monica's life is certainly a case in point. Her friends are blessed and inspired just by hanging around her. Being with her, talking with her, always whets my appetite for a more dynamic relationship with the Lord. She helps me hunger to experience Him personally and powerfully in my everyday existence. I hope you have a friend like that . I hope you are a friend like that". Hopefully you are keeping some good, loving, full of integrity kind of friends. Building a community doesn't happen overnight, it takes time just like an actual neighborhood community... the people living in it has to commit to building it up and overtime you will see the outcome of it by the goals and visions that have been accomplished. The center of any Godly community obviously and of course is God. He knows the ones that should be a part of it and those that need to be trimmed off so that the community can flourish. Friends help you become who you should be.  Are you a part of a community? What are some of the things you do in your community?

 'I Am' Tee is available in men and ladies, click link below.


1 comment

  • Leisha Livingston

    Great read. The importance of Godly communities is the building blocks of the world.

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