Blessings and favor to you this Friday. I asked a question at the end of last week's blog, 'What are some of the things you do in your community?' We established that a community in the Kingdom is the circle of influence, your friends who help to shape you as you grow. This community must have God as the center of it. I am going to use my community as an example, first God's principles are the foundation of what we do. We come together weekly to discuss God's Word and to learn more about Him, a seeking adventure for us. We watch Godly messages, ask question and break down stories in the Bible. Additionally to that we have a book club where we read a chapter, highlight the high points and discuss them. We are currently reading a business book to help us on our business ventures and a spiritual book that is teaching us about God's Sovereignty rule in our life. We enjoy these moments we call Bible Studies, its fun talking about God. Our community does a fast together once a month, so God can show us the path He has for us as a group collectively. We also have fun together, yes we do. We have Girl's Night (its all girls so far)where we come together and play games, watch movies and catch up on life stories. That's not all...we do concerts, dinners, barbecue, parties and so forth but we make sure that everything is done in decency and God's principles are the foundation. Joshua 1 :8 says 'Keep this book of law ( His Word) always on your lips, meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful'. Whatever we are doing God's Word must be the foundation, its our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
Our B.I.B.L.E Tee is available in ladies and men.
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