The Message Behind The Tee





Hello there and welcome to another blog episode ... oh my I just felt like being professional this morning instead of my regular hey or what's up...nothing wrong with that, not at all there are different kinds and types of worship and prayers so there are different kinds of greetings. Okay lets move on....continuing from last week Our God is King and he still Reigns, yes He does. When we begin to see Him as that believe me your spiritual man will grow. One way is believing that a king's words are laws in a kingdom, whatever he says is binding and cannot be changed (see the story about Daniel in the lion's den-Daniel 6), Isaiah 40:8 says "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” The citizens of that kingdom must obey them. In a democracy laws are based on the majority of peoples opinions and what they say, in the Kingdom of God, His Words stands and no one can change them, The King doesn't take opinion polls, this is why people  in today's society will always have a problem being obedient to Him because they want to do what they want to do by making laws based on their opinions and not God's Truth. Another way is getting benefits in the Kingdom from the King, but the only way to get the benefits you must obey the King's laws and words on how to live in the Kingdom, laws on how to function in the Kingdom, laws on how to relate to the King and laws that tells you how to treat each others such as "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself ” Mark 12:30-31. There are other principles in the Kingdom that govern its citizens, we will continue next week.

Click the link below to order 'Proud to Be A Citizen of Heaven' Tee, Available in Men & Ladies


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