The Message Behind The Tee


Good day one and all, its a beautiful day. Hope you are enjoying your summer, its been very hot the last few weeks but who can stop His hands. The weapon of choice was our discussion last week, what weapon are we carrying daily. My friends and I went to a meeting where they were doing a presentation on mental health, which was being held at a church we visited a couple times. They had slides and monitors, a panel of panelists..the whole shebang...really nice, but the only thing that was missing was the Word. How can you give me spiritual advice on how to avoid stress and prevention of mental issues without giving me principles in the Word, no scriptures were given and as usual was such a disappointment (this is how you disappoint me, leaving out the Word). You cannot solve spiritual issues with physical things such as prescriptions and therapy, and this is why so many people are getting worst in life because they are substituting the only thing that works, The Word with carnal things. What is seen are made from things that are unseen, sickness and illnesses comes from the spiritual realm, troubles and tribulations comes from the spiritual realm, blessing and curse comes from the spiritual realm. The Word is not there to just read but to use in our daily life, in situations that seems and looks physical, you have financial issues or need financial wisdom, the Word is there. You need relationship advice the Word is there. The Word says  in James 1:22-24 " Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror  and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like". The key to having a victorious life is reading the Word daily (its your spiritual food and weapon). That is how we also communicate with God, praying back His own Word to Him which will not return to Him void. Isaiah 55:11 says "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it".  The Word is what gives situations power to change and work for us. Next week we will look at scriptures they could have use in their presentation on mental issues that is so prevalent now.


B.I.B.L.E Tee is available, click the link below.

1 comment

  • Sharon Hunnighan

    The Word of God is the solution to every situation, circumstances, trial, problem that occur in life.

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