The Message Behind The Tee!



Blessings on this lovely Friday, no matter what weather you are having it is still a beautiful day cause every weather puts God's strength and beauty on display, not mother nature (who came up with that name anyways). There is a story, a parable that was told in Matthew 25:14-30... a man was going on a journey and he gave his three servants rulership over his property. To one he gave five (5) talents, to another two (2) and to another one (1), the ones with the five and two double on what was given to them by their master and the one with one buried his..he did not invest in it ...did nothing with it. When their master returned they reported on their stewardship and investment on what was given. The ones that doubled, the five and two became ten and four...the master commended them and rewarded them because they were faithful over little so they received  much. The one who buried his talent was called wicked and slothful and his talent was taken away. This is a Kingdom story with Kingdom principles, its what God's Kingdom is about, using our gifts, skills, talents, time and our finances and doubling on it. Our God is a God of multiplication. Stewardship is a Kingdom principle, it is one of the keys God gave us to unlock Heaven's resources. What are you doing with that dream and vision God gave you a year ago, two years ago, a decade ago (now that is bad). Believers in Christ needs to start taking hold of what God has already did (it is already done). There is a scripture that is powerful and may have miss some of you...Romans 8:19 'For the creation awaits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed'. The creation is waiting on you, me, us to take our rightful position. What are you waiting for...WE ARE ROYALTIES. 


My Father Is King Tee is available, you may purchase by clicking the link below




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