Who Am I? That is a question many people are asking today whether they are a believer in Christ or not. But who can really answer it , on your own or do you need someone to tell you who you are? When a manufacturer creates a product such as a car, a blender or even an iron....an operating manual usually accompanies that product. Instructions are there about the product and what it should be used for and even the don'ts, the misusage of it may damage the product. That manual is so important that it is placed on the top of the product. When you open the product the first thing you see is the manual. The very first page says 'Stop, Read this before operating". Most people do not read it but proceed to use the product. Most of the time it is not used to its full potential or it is misused causing it to become defect due to not reading the instructions before and applying the right directions. Everyone belongs to One Creator, One God, He created us to function at a high level. He did not just send us here to live a life, He send us here to live the life, abundant life (John 10:10). We came here along with a manual that tells us about our Creator, who He is (Colossians 1:16) and His Intentions for us (Jeremiah 29:11) and it also tells us who we are in Him (1 Peter 2:9). So to answer the question Who Am I?, you must read the manual, the Bible. There are a lot of identity crisis in the world today because people do not know who they are , they have not gone to their Creator and the Manual, the Bible to see and find out who they are. The enemy has done a great job by confusing people...some were born a particular gender and changed it, some have put on multiple genders and some have not identified with either genders. If the people are confuse with who they are , they will never function the way they were created to be. In Colossians 3:3, God says your life is hidden in Him. This is telling us we must go to Him to find our life. If you are not functioning in what you are created to be, you are malfunctioning. The only one who can answer the question is your Manufacturer, Your Creator, Your God, the one who created you.
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