The Message Behind The Tee!



Throughout the Bible we are called to fear God, but what does it actually means? Let us look at a couple verses that commands us to do so. Deuteronomy 10:12 says"Israel what does the Lord your God ask of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to Him, to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul'. Ecclesiastes 12:13 also says "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind". The word 'fear' here means to stand in awe of Him, His majesty, His power, His glory, His wisdom, His justice and mercy. Fear in this context in my own words means to put all respect on His Name and His power, knowing that He is the Big Boss that sits high and look low, He is the One that made Heaven His throne and earth His foot stool. Please take a second to like and subscribe to this channel to see more awesome videos like this. Many people believe that to fear God is to be afraid but that is not true. God does not want us to be afraid of Him. He calls us His children and friend, so in reality are you afraid of your father that you can't go to Him and tell Him your needs, are you scared of your friends that you can't seek advice from them.  No we tend to embrace those who loves us. God loves us so much that He showed the Greatest Love of All by sending His Only Son to die for the entire creation (John 3:16). And that is what God is saying, 'embrace me', He wants you to know what His position should be in your life and that He comes first and His position in the universe is that He controls everything, He is Sovereign. So how do we fear Him by doing what He says, our previous verses says 'to keep His commandments and walk in obedience. The entire Bible is about laws and precepts and that it guides us how to live and it is for our benefit . So if we obey them it simply means we fear Him and He rewards those who keeps them. In disobeying them, there are consequences, like laws that govern the land. If you break a stoplight you're ticketed and have to pay a price. Your job is to decide which side of the fence will you be.

The Greatest Love of All Tee (John 3:16) is available in unisex, click link below to purchase.

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