The Message Behind the Tee!



Do you believe that God is still able? That those things you are believing for are possible even though everything else is saying no. There are times when doubt will fill our mind, everything we are going through points that it could never be and it can never happens. There are times when I start thinking, is it still possible for me? The enemy will try to make you doubt through the circumstances that you are facing. Sometimes the circumstances comes one by one behind each other and you find yourself asking God, "why'? and letting Him know "no more God , no more. You see God uses our bad circumstances for many reasons. 1. He uses it to test our faith in Him, can we still pray, read our bible and worship and praise through those situations. When everything is good its easy to do those godly things. 2. He uses it to build our trust in Him, when everything is pointing to I can't, we will begin to say He can. Do you still engage in conversations with Him through the circumstances? This will keep you in contact with heaven. 3. He uses it to build character in us. During the problems and troubles we are facing, the flesh will want to make decisions but we have to rely on what the Spirit is saying to our spirit and the instructions that are given at that time. 4. He wants us to see and experience the God of the Bible. Many times we read the stories in the Bible and see who God was to Joshua, Moses and the disciples. We tend to forget that those same prophets and disciples had to have circumstances too. God wants to show us who He is, the faithful God, the Promise Keeper, the compassionate, loving and merciful One. He wants us to see what He can do, the Powerful,Sovereign and Almighty God. Remind yourself of your past experiences with God and that He is able despite what you are seeing and feeling. No wonder we are told not to walk after the flesh because flesh is physical. Please like and subscribe to this channel to see more  videos like this. I am experiencing my season of suffering but He told me in 1 Peter 5:10 "that after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you". I have to keep in mind I have to suffer before He does the good part. Sometimes I will remember that the God that I serve is holding everything in place in the galaxy so He is able to solve my tiny problem. So instead of telling yourself you have big circumstances, tell your circumstances that you have a big God who is able to do the impossible. Don't lose hope, have faith in the one who is faithful.


God Specializes Tee is available in unisex

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