When have you ever need strengthening at some point in your life? In those times when you were going through grief, in those times when it feels all was lost and there was no where to turn. There is nothing you can do to solve it. Our everyday normal routine that make life seems unbearable and difficult to go through. In all those times we need strength, strength to keep going, strength to keep moving and strength to hold on. We look for strength because we feel weak, tired, weary and overwhelmed by circumstances. Strength will help us to keep going, to push on, to persevere and endure hardship. Strength carries us through the impossible when we feel like giving up. Strength bears the weight when we can't go on by ourselves. In those hard times we need strength . We all need that extra boost through the different circumstances we face in this life. We need emotional strength, where our weakness in how we feel is in that moment due to the circumstances that affects us emotionally. Psalm 73:26 says, "My body and my heart may grow weak. God, you give strength to my heart. You are everything I will ever need". God knows we sometimes get emotionally drained because we still wear this flesh suit. Emotional strength is essential to our faith, our relationship and to living out our purpose and destiny. Emotional strength enables us to keep trying, keep believing, keep loving and keep getting back up again no matter what life throws at us. We need to be strong emotionally, especially for our families and friends. David is a great example, he needed emotional strength when he was being pursued by his sons and Saul , where they tried to kill him on different occasions, these were close family and friends whom David love and trusted. Imagine how David must have felt going through this. David must have felt disappointed and let down, but he found strength in his God. Physical strength is needed when our physical body is tired and weak . Working long hours during the week, home chores and ministry altogether can take a toll on our physical body. Without the physical mobilization we are unable to perform our daily tasks and assignments. Samson was known for being the strongest man in history, but there was a time he became weak because of disobedience. In Judges 16:28, Samson prayed to the Lord, "Lord God remember me, God please give me strength one more time so I can pay these Philistines back for putting out my two eyes". The Lord answered, and he was given his strength to avenge his enemies. In your physical weakness, assess your daily activities and balance them accordingly so that you are not over worked. Spiritual strength is the strength we need to continue our faith with God. We are attack most because of our faith, trust and beliefs in God, Its our spiritual strength that gives us supernatural power to do the impossible, it propels us to go the extra mile. Its the spiritual strength that is the forerunner of all strength. Habakkuk 3:19 says, " The Sovereign Lord is my strength, He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. We are able to do mighty things when we are strengthen spiritually, but the most important question is, Who is the source of our strength? Our strength Source is God, not in our spouse, not in our money, not in our friends, not in our business. Its in no one else but God. God is our Source of strength. Just by looking at the characteristics of God, we are able to rely on His strength rather than our own or someone's else who is human just like us and has their own personal issues, they themselves are dealing with. During our grief and sadness Nehemiah 8:10 tells us, Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. When we are scared physically because of circumstances beyond our control, Isaiah 41:10 tells us, "Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand". God is Omnipresence, He is everywhere, so we do not need to be afraid. Whatever we are going through and we feel we can't go on, we should seek the One who has all strength and is willing to be your strength. God told Paul that His grace is sufficient for him, for God's strength is made perfect in weakness". 2 Corinthians 12:9. Psalm 28:7 reminds us that, The Lord is my strength and my shield". Allow God to be your strength, let Him carry you. Its through His grace of that His Word, the Holy Spirit and fellowship with Godly community, His strength will be given. Don't lose hope when you feel dismayed, just remember who sits on the throne? Our Savior and King we thank you that you are our Source of strength when we feel weak and tired. Sometimes it is hard to believe that you are there, but if we hold on a little longer we will eventually experience your mighty supernatural power in our life. We give you praise and honor in Jesus Mighty Name. Thanks for watching, please remember to hit the like button and subscribe to this channel. Also share with someone so they too may be encouraged. Jesus loves you purposefully and intentionally.
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